Some people admired him greatly while others considered him a poseur 有的人对他佩服得五体投地,而有的人则认为他装腔作势
The fact that more countries are adopting antidumping laws to increase this ex - poseur 越来越多的国家正在实施反倾销法,增加了倾销行为的曝光机会。
The priority in life is to keep an eye on business and not to get lured into the social high life , being exhibited around by the groupie - type poseurs who wish to be seen with the new blue - eyed boy 人生最要紧的是看好生意,不要被上层社会的豪华生活所诱惑,不要被那些装腔作势的名人崇拜者们所左右而招摇过市,那些名人迷们就想让人看到自己与新发迹的宠儿在一起。