Free porterage is available from kerbside to check - in . airlines provide escorts from check - in to aircraft 航空公司亦可派员到登记柜台,陪同旅客登机。
The game introduce : the porterage work game of become popular for a time , now appeared again , the person can attain of affair , the insect son can also attain 游戏介绍:风靡一时的搬运工游戏,现在又出现了,人可以做到的事情,虫子也可以做到哦。
The basket being large and heavy , car had placed it for convenience of porterage on the top of her head , where it rode on in jeopardized balance as she walked with arms akimbo 篮子又大又重,卡尔为了走路方便些,就把篮子放在头顶上顶着,当她两手叉腰走路的时候,篮子就在她的头顶上危险地摇晃着。
A man don t see all this here a goin on dreadful round him , in the way of subjects without heads , dear me , plentiful enough fur to bring the price down to porterage and hardly that , without havin his serious thoughts of things “我要恭恭敬敬向你建议的就是这个,罗瑞先生。这周围的事吓死人了,天呐,多少人丢了脑袋,多得连帮人下力都跌了价,还有许多别的。
We discover the latter in changed conditions ; instead of a bride with boxes and trunks which others bore , we see her a lonely woman with a basket and a bundle in her own porterage , as at an earlier time when she was no bride ; instead of the ample means that were projected by her husband for her comfort through this probationary period , she can produce only a flattened purse 我们发现苔丝的情形完全改变了她不再是把箱子和小盒子交给别人搬运的新娘子了,我们看见的是她自己孤零零地挽着篮子,自己搬运包裹,和她以前没有做新娘子时完全一样了。在此之前,她的丈夫为了让她过得舒服一点而给准备了宽裕的费用,但是现在她只剩下了一个瘪了的钱袋。