| 1. | In the other three seasons the fluxes of po4 - p were in the direction from water column to the sediment 沉积物一海水界面的p04一p交换是东海p循环的重要组成部分。 |
| 2. | Due to the influence of the changjiang diluter water , the concentration of phosphate , nitrate and silicate was hi 证实该海域po4一p是比no3一n更重要的营养盐限制因子。 |
| 3. | The results showed that this model could simulate the seasonal variations of din , po4 - p , and phytoplankton biomass in jiaozhou bay properly 该模型能够较好地模拟1998年胶州湾din 、 po _ 4 - p和浮游植物生物量季节变化规律。 |
| 4. | The fluxes of nh4 - n contributed only 5 . 9 % of n in spring , 3 . 0 % of n in summer and 7 . 0 % of n in autumn requirements for phytoplankton production 春季研究区域范围内的沉积物仅能向海水提供维持初级生产力所需po4一p的0 . 9 % 。 |
| 5. | Both don and pn were the main fraction of nitrogen in autumn 1997 and spring 1998 as well , but nitrate ratio higher in autumn 1997 and ammonia ratio higher in spring 1998 其中两季节浮游植物光合作用均以po4一p为主要磷源,而秋季浮游植物以no3一n为主要氮源,春季则同时以nh4一n和no3一n为主要氮源。 |
| 6. | The total input flux of din is about 30900 t in 1998 , respectively accounted for 48 % by rivers input , 25 % by seawater - bottom sediments exchanging , 26 % by recycled din in jiaozhou bay , and 1 % by atmospheric deposition 模型对胶州湾din和po4一p收支状况、逗留时间以及新生产力的计算对胶州湾海洋生态领域的研究也是非常有益的尝试。 |
| 7. | Surplus environmental capacities of din and po4 - p were positive and remained constantly , relative to 1st grade environmental capacities , from late 1970s to mid 1980s , but it decreased sharply from mid 1980s to late 1990s 胶州湾din和po _ 4 - p剩余环境容量在20世纪70年代末至80年代中期变化较小,相对国家一级海水水质标准下的环境容量还具有约60的容纳能力。 |
| 8. | 2 . po4 - p budget in jiaozhou bay : seawater - accommodated po4 - p in jiaozhou bay is attributable to discharge from the rivers around jiaozhou bay and input from seawater - bottom sediments exchanging , and output to huanghai sea by hydrodynamic process 河流径流输入、沉积物释放和大气沉降是胶州湾海水中din的主要外部来源,由浮游生物活动而在水体中再生的din是胶州湾海水中din的内部来源。 |
| 9. | There were 5 specifications in phosphorus output , in which fluxes at phytoplankton phosphorus ( ppt ) and dissolved organic phosphorus ( dop ) specifications , the largest 2 fluxes , are totally over 1000 t in 1998 , respectively accounted for 46 % by ppt , and 29 % by dop 胶州湾din和p04一p的逗留时间: d州和p04一p的逗留时间都是冬季最长,夏季最短,但一年中po4一p ( 2一20d )的逗留时间变化幅度比din ( 4一10d )大。 |
| 10. | It can provide 48 % of sio3 - si in spring , 35 % of sio3 - si in summer , 83 % of sio3 - si in autumn and 184 % of sio3 - si in winter that required by the primary productivity . but it can only provide 0 . 9 % of po4 - p in spring 春季通过沉积物向海水释放的营养盐能提供维持研究区域内初级生产力所需5103一si的48 % ,夏季可提供35 % ,秋季可提供83 % ,冬季可提供184 % ,沉积物释放的5103一si是维持东海初级生产力所需5103一si的主要来源之一。 |