Such low reliability proves that the seepage burst disaster of this dike during the flood season is inevitable under the 1998 pluvial condition 论证了该堤坝在1998年汛期的洪水条件下被冲溃口的必然性。
Based on the characters of water erosion and rock clasts , the zhangxia loess is possibly a product of aeolian - talus - pluvial process 张夏黄土下部呈现明显的水流侵蚀痕迹,中间夹有围岩碎屑,应属于风成、坡积、洪积成因的黄土状土。
The material sources of the zhangxia loess which is exposed on the terraces in zhangxia of changqing region of jinan are complicated , including materials transported by northwestern current and eastern bohai bay current and the local pluvial sediments 其中出露在河岸阶地的济南市长清区张夏镇的黄土物质来源复杂,既有西北气流、东部渤海湾气流搬运而来的物质,又有当地生成的坡洪积碎屑物质。
Want to popularize rainwater to use , need to build more osmosis above all equipment ; next roofing should use low pollution data , maintain ground cleanness ; in addition , need strengthens international to cooperate , introduce technology of advanced pluvial water treatment to raise domestic level 要推广雨水利用,首先需要建设更多的渗透设备;其次屋面要使用低污染材料,并保持地面清洁;此外,需要加强国际合作,引入先进的雨水处理技术来提高国内水平。
The modified zndx in comparison with others is well indicative of the severity and extent of flood / drought event and of more objective classification of them , which is therefore quite applicable to a extended area . ( 3 ) the main anomaly structures of grades of drought / food in summer over northwest china present pluvial pattern and dry pattern in all the areas , and spatial changes are opposite pattern from the noth to the south and the west to the east . the first four rotated loading vector fields represent four principal precipitation anomaly areas : the weishui river basin , east of the qinghai - xizang plateau 但修订过的zndx指数根据气温、土壤湿度及前期气候湿润度等因子能够客观的反映出西北地区的旱涝特征。 ( 3 )西北地区季与年区域旱涝等级表明:西北地区的干旱雨涝有显著的阶段性和年际变化特征。 1980 ’ s到1990 ’ s中期,气候较湿润,土壤湿度增墒较明显; 1990 ’ s中期以后是40年干旱最异常的时段; 1960 ’ s旱涝交替发生,旱涝趋势接近常年; 1970 ’ s气候虽干旱,但没有1990 ’ s中后期显著。
6 diversity fragmentation and evenness of ecological landscape in fukang increase with more utilization and development . the change of landscape pattern about land utilization is mainly area variation of plantation and wasteland in pluvial fan and alluvial plain , the key influence factors are the dynamic of soil moisture and salinity under the development of water and land resource 6 、在阜康各景观带中,随人为开发利用程度的增强,景观多样性、破碎度和均匀性增加;荒漠绿洲土地利用景观生态格局的变化,集中体现在位于洪积扇与冲积平原的耕地和荒地面积变动上,关键影响因子是水土资源利用下的土壤水盐动态变化。
As a practical application , the safety situation of jiujiang dike under the 1998 pluvial condition of once a hundred years in yangtze river has been evaluated by the reliability method from the point view of the seepage stability in terms of probability analysis and two dimensional saturated seepage finite element analysis combining with the mechanism of seepage burst in jiujiang dike summarized in the thesis 通过渗流有限元和渗流可靠性分析论证了1998长江流域特大洪水灾害中九江市防护大堤发生的严重溃口破坏的渗流破坏机理。分析、比较得出结论:堤防下游坡脚的出逸比降接近和超过临界比降,在1998年长江百年一遇的洪水条件下九江大堤溃口断面的抗渗可靠性仅在55左右的非常低水平。