Deputy director of foundry technique and plasticine committee of foundry branch of china mechanical engineering association 中国机械工程学会铸造分会铸造工艺及造型材料委员会副主任,
They " re real , 5 ) three - dimensional 6 ) figures , 9 to 12 inches tall , 7 ) sculpted from a special kind of clay called plasticine ?们是三度空间的真实角色,约有九至十二?高,是用一种叫人造黏土的特殊黏土雕塑而成。
They ' re real , 5 ) three - dimensional 6 ) figures , 9 to 12 inches tall , 7 ) sculpted from a special kind of clay called plasticine 它们是三度空间的真实角色,约有九至十二寸高,是用一种叫人造黏土的特殊黏土雕塑而成。
The newspaper said graham left packages containing fake bomb components - slabs of gray plasticine , batteries , coils of wire and electrical tape - at various locations around the stadium 这家报纸还说格拉汉姆留下了一个装有和炸弹成分很相近物体的包袱:灰色的粘土片,电池,绕在一起的电线和电子磁带。
The crown f1 take - off system meets the high standards and rule of the iaaf and caa . the crown take - off system consists of the foundation tray , take - off board , blanking lid and the plasticine insert . take - off board 皇冠牌f1起跳板系列符合高标准和iaaf caa规则,皇冠牌起跳板是由底盒起跳板橡皮泥板和底盒填充板组成。
In the " wallace " film , which topped both the u . s . and uk box office charts and in march won an oscar for best animated feature film , the plasticine heroes battle a mutant rabbit bent on destroying their home town ' s annual giant vegetable contest 在英美两地都曾拿下票房冠军、更在今年3月赢得奥斯卡最佳动画奖的酷狗宝贝一片中,两位黏土制的英雄与一只执意要破坏其家乡年度巨大蔬菜比赛的变种兔英勇奋战。