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English translation for "pierrot"

(fem. pierrette ) 〔法语〕
Example Sentences:
1.I understood her very well , for i had been accustomed to the fluent tongue of madame pierrot
2.Miss scatcherd is hasty - you must take care not to offend her ; madame pierrot is not a bad sort of person
“斯卡查德小姐性子很急,你可得小心,别惹她生气皮埃罗太太倒是不坏的。 ”
3." miss scatcherd is hasty - - you must take care not to offend her ; madame pierrot is not a bad sort of person .
“斯卡查德小姐性子很急,你可得小心,别惹她生气;皮埃罗太太倒是不坏的。 ”
4.I examined , too , in thought , the possibility of my ever being able to translate currently a certain little french story which madame pierrot had that day shown me ; nor was that problem solved to my satisfaction ere i fell sweetly asleep
5.Lucky pierrot , which operates fast - food restaurants mainly on the northernmost island of hokkaido , said whale meat had emerged as one of the two most popular fillings in a customer survey , according to the mainichi shimbun newspaper
据英国《卫报》 6月23日报道,在日本北海道附近经营着数家快餐连锁店的鲸肉夹饼店老板卢茨基皮埃罗说,通过对顾客的问卷调查得知,鲸鱼肉是最受欢迎的肉夹饼馅之一。
6.The one with red cheeks is called miss smith ; she attends to the work , and cuts out - for we make our own clothes , our frocks , and pelisses , and everything ; the little one with black hair is miss scatcherd ; she teaches history and grammar , and hears the second class repetitions ; and the one who wears a shawl , and has a pocket - handkerchief tied to her side with a yellow ribband , is madame pierrot : she comes from lisle , in france , and teaches french
“脸颊红红的那个叫史密斯小姐,她管劳作,负责裁剪因为我们自己做衣服罩衣外衣,什么都做。那个头发黑黑的小个子叫做斯卡查德小姐,她教历史语法,听第二班的朗诵。那位戴披巾用黄缎带把一块手帕拴在腰上的人叫皮埃罗夫人,她来自法国里尔,教法语。 ”
7.Fortunately i had had the advantage of being taught french by a french lady ; and as i had always made a point of conversing with madame pierrot as often as i could , and had besides , during the last seven years , learnt a portion of french by heart daily - applying myself to take pains with my accent , and imitating as closely as possible the pronunciation of my teacher , i had acquired a certain degree of readiness and correctness in the language , and was not likely to be much at a loss with mademoiselle adela
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