Fourteenth row ! - io have a pictographic memory for pretty faces -第14排! -我对漂亮的面孔很敏感
- fourteenth row ! - i have a pictographic memory for pretty faces -十四排! -对漂亮的脸蛋我有照相机般的记忆
Fourteenth row ! - i have a pictographic memory for pretty faces 十四排! -对漂亮的脸蛋我有照相机般的记忆
Pictographic puzzle microcosm of old and new playing cards , poems , games and lore -以竟猜和多种益智问答娱乐游戏为主要内容的线上综艺娱乐社区。
The pictographic nature of the chinese writing system helps to stimulate the thinking faculty of children 这是因为汉字的象形特性,对激发孩童的思考能力有帮助。
Seals with a pictographic script , which has not as yet been deciphered , were found at the indus valley sites 在印度河流域地区发现了一个带有象形文字手稿的图案,可是至今还未被破译。
The pictographic nature of the chinese writing system helps to stimulate the thinking faculty of children . their intelligence develops better while they learn the characters 这是因为汉字的象形特性,对激发孩童的思考能力有帮助。因此,在学习汉字的过程中,孩童们的智商也无形中提高了。
These early writings ( besides the numerals ) were actually pictures , or rough sketches , you might say , of the words they represented ; this early sumerian writing was pictographic writing 这些最早的书写文字(除了数字以外)是事实上的绘画形式,或者草图,你可能会叫做这些为他们描绘的词汇;这些苏美尔人最早的书写文字是象形文字。
Your opinion is very good , sports education from religion go up with learned meaning tell can regard a kind of pictographic education as , through imitating , the way such as observation , abstract imagination acquires behavioral skill , multimedia is ok the purpose that lets a student achieve study from the much way such as synchronism of sound , image 你的意见很好,体育教学从教与学的意义上讲可以看成是一种象形的教学,通过模拟、观察、抽象的想象等途径学到动作技能,多媒体可以从声音、图象同步等多途径让学生达到学习的目的。
Education in national esthetics is aimed to explore and develop esthetic resources of the ethnic minorities , to invite ethnic minority cultures and arts into the classrooms and mass media , to attract the interest of more and more people in them , to become part of the people ' s cultural experience , and to exert subtle impacts upon the reconstruction of the pictographic culture of the past 摘要民族审美教育致力于区域民族审美资源的阐发,促进少数民族文化艺术进入课堂和传播媒体,正为越来越多的人所欣赏和接受,成为精神生活和审美体验的有机组成部分,在读图时代人文世界的重建过程中发挥了潜移默化的作用。