Hailed as the edith piaf of cuba , omara has introduced the wonderful sounds of havana to the world 另一瞩目呈献是来自巴西的当代第一传人罗莎芭苏丝。
Hailed as the edith piaf of cuba , omara s intoxicating voice has introduced the wonderful sounds of havana to the world Omara音色美如佳酿,味道越旧越醇,尽展拉丁及古巴音乐精髓。
The 32 - year - old actress stunned audiences and criticsathome andabroadwith herphysical transformation in the film that traces the life of piaf , who achieved international fame after being raised by her grandmother in a brothel but saw her life cut short by drug and alcohol abuse 这位32岁的女星在影片中自然而投入的表演征服了国内外的观众和影评家,生动诠释了由祖母在夜总会抚养长大的皮雅芙在成名后蜚声国际,但最终却因为酒精和毒品而使生命过早凋零的传奇人生。
Participating countries are argentina , chile , colombia , cuba , mexico , peru and venezuela . the latin passion festival will feature the buena vista social club presenting legendary cuban diva omara portuondo , who will open the festival with her concert flor de amor tour . hailed as the edith piaf of cuba , omara has introduced the wonderful sounds of havana to the world 为响应艺术节,拉丁美洲七国驻港领事馆,包括阿根廷、智利、哥伦比亚、古巴、墨西哥、秘鲁及委内瑞拉组织而成的团体G R U L A C ,亦会于十月十八日至十一月二十日举行拉丁美洲荟萃香江,推广拉丁美洲文化风貌。