The digital photomicrography and its application in the experimental teaching 数码显微摄影及其在实验教学中的应用
Dark - field photomicrography 暗视场显微照相术
In this paper through variation of the original chemical ingredients of the shaft , which is 20mnsi , a elementary investigation was made on the mechanical properties of the shaft which be affected by the addition of appropriate quantities of the minor elements such as rare earth , v , ni . the analysis of the microstructure and the photomicrography of the effects under the quantities of minor elements are precisely available by means of the sem energy analysis the mechanical properties of the new steel are tested under the normal situation 本文是在20mnsi锚杆原始材质的基础上加入适量的复合稀土、钒和镍等微合金元素。通过改变锚杆原始材料的化学成分的配方进行了大量的实验研究。利用扫描电镜、能谱分析等对所得新材质的组织、形貌以及稀土、镍、钒成分对它们的影响进行了分析。