n. (pl. phalli ) 1.(作为崇拜对象的)男性生殖器形象。 2.【解剖学】阴茎;阴核。
Example Sentences:
And believe me , the only bridge across the chasm will be the phallus 相信我,将来深渊上唯一的桥梁便是一条法乐士”
In this sense , the affirmation of the presence of the phallus is tied to the possibility of its absence 就这个意义来说,阳具存在的肯定与缺乏的可能性密切相关。
What " the name - of - the - father " really reflects is father ' s " phallus " function , or his symbolic significance in law and economic aspects “父亲之名”体现的是父亲的“菲勒斯”作用,即他在法律与经济方面的象征意义。
Connie says people like wisps of smoke , and olive says immunized women , and babies in bottles , and dukes says the phallus is the bridge to what comes next “康妮说,来些象是烟波似的人,奥莉英说,来些超脱的妇女,和瓶子里养的孩子。
Negative quantity , then , is the term that we shall find to designate one of the supports of what is called the castration complex , namely , the negative effect in which the phallus object enters into it 负面质量这个术语,我们将用来指明所谓的去势情结,换言之,阳具客体耀武扬威之际,潜藏的负面效应。
Like thallose liverworts , the hornworts have an alternation of generations in which the gametophyte is a dorsiventral flattened green phallus and the saprophyte is an upright structure that has a foot embedded in the gametophytes , from which it draws nutrition 与叶状体植物地钱一样,角苔具有明显的世代交替, ,配子体在世代交替中占优势,孢子体占劣势且利用其基足插入配子体的组织中吸取养料,以供孢子体生长。