| 1. | Only an imperceptible portion of petrodollars bankroll terrorism , which is anyway quite cheap 石油美元中仅有及其小的一部分资金用以打击恐怖主义,这无疑是九牛一毛。 |
| 2. | If petrodollars are also invested in the us , it could help keep a lid on yields at a time of record government deficits 管理人员彼得蒂尔peter thiel表示。 “这可能与上世纪70年代相当不同。 ” |
| 3. | In addition , the recycling of petrodollars is driving down interest rates providing an unsustainable boost to us private consumption 此外,石油美元的回流正驱动利率下降,为美国私人消费提供了难以持久的推动力。 |
| 4. | Meanwhile , many other developing countries ( even those without petrodollars ) have received the red - carpet treatment from investors 与此同时,许多其他发展中国家(甚至是那些没有石油美元的国家)都受到了投资者的热情欢迎。 |
| 5. | Yet in spite of this and the sea of petrodollars sloshing around the middle east , dubai is only halfway towards its ambition ( see article ) 但是,如果抛开上述这些情况以及盘踞中东多如牛毛的石油美元不论,迪拜距其崇高理想尚有一段距离。 |
| 6. | Billions of russian petrodollars are set to be invested in shares of international companies for the first time , boosting russia ' s presence on financial markets 数十亿的俄罗斯石油美圆在第一时间投资到国际公司的股票中,这强化了当前的金融市场 |
| 7. | Billions of russian petrodollars are set to be invested in shares of international companies for the first time , boosting russia ' s presence on financial markets 俄罗斯的巨额石油美元即将首次投资于国际企业的股票,这将大大增强俄罗斯在全球金融市场的影响力。 |
| 8. | Some believe this has helped push bond yields down , because the petrodollars are invested in american treasuries , much as asian countries invest their surplus savings 有些人相信这有助于压低债券的收益率,理由是这些石油美元将会像亚洲国家过剩的储蓄一样被投资于美国的债券市场。 |