adj. 1.传染性的;得了疫病的。 2.有毒的,有害的;危险的;邪恶的,危害社会的。 3.〔美口〕讨厌的,烦死人的,纠缠不休的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Example Sentences:
The magazines were all brissenden had said they were and more . well , he was done , he solaced himself . he had hitched his wagon to a star and been landed in a pestiferous marsh 好了,他的歌已经唱完了,他安慰自己,他赶了自己的马车去追求一颗星星,却落进了疫病蒸腾的泥沼里。
That comed - as you call it - of being arrant asses , retorted the doctor , and not having sense enough to know honest air from poison , and the dry land from a vile , pestiferous slough “就因为一像你们说的像头蠢驴, ”大夫反驳道, “连新鲜空气和瘴气,干燥的土地和臭泥潭都分不出来。
At that hour of the night the narrow , damp well of a court , with its pestiferous water closets , its fountain , its back view ot the kitchen stove and the collection of plants with which the portress used to litter the place , was drenched in dark mist ; but the two walls , rising pierced with windows on either hand , were flaming with light , since the property room and the firemen s office were situated on the ground floor , with the managerial bureau on the left , and on the right and upstairs the dressing rooms of the company 这时候,狭窄的院子很潮湿,乍看上去像一口井的井底,周围是臭气熏人的厕所,水头,厨房的炉灶,还有女门房胡乱堆放在那里的草木。这一切统统笼罩在黑色烟雾之中然而,开在两堵墙上的各扇窗户里面却灯火辉煌。楼下是存放道具的仓库和消防处,左边是办公室右边和楼上是演员化妆室。