| 1. | The pavlograd hussars ? he was saying interrogatively 他疑惑地说。 |
| 2. | The two squadrons of the pavlograd regiment , after crossing the bridge , rode one after the other up the hill 保罗格勒兵团的两个骑兵连过桥了,一连紧跟一连地向山上退却。 |
| 3. | The two pavlograd squadrons were bivouacking in the middle of a field of rye , which was already in ear , but had been completely trodden down by the cattle and horses 保罗格勒兵团的两个骑兵连宿营在一片已经抽穗但却被马完全踩倒的黑麦地里。 |
| 4. | But the command of the extreme left flank had been entrusted to the colonel of the pavlograd hussars , in which rostov was serving . hence arose a misunderstanding 罗斯托夫在保罗格勒兵团服役,该团团长受命指挥边远的左翼,因此这种事发生了误会。 |
| 5. | The high - shouldered figure of zherkov , who was known to the pavlograd hussars , as he had not long before left their regiment , rode up to the colonel 保罗格勒兵团的官兵都熟悉那两肩高耸的热尔科夫的身材他在不久前才退出他们的兵团,他骑马跑到团长面前。 |
| 6. | Nikolay rostov was enjoying this blessed privilege to the full , as after the year 1807 he remained in the pavlograd regiment , in command of the squadron that had been denisovs 尼古拉罗斯托夫饱尝到了这种无上幸福的滋味,一八七年以后,他继续在保罗格勒兵团服役,他已经接替杰尼索夫,指挥一个骑兵连了。 |
| 7. | On the 13th of july the pavlograd hussars took part in their first serious action . on the previous evening there had been a violent storm of rain and hail . the summer of 1812 was remarkably stormy throughout 七月十二日夜里,出事的前夜,下了一场带冰雹的暴风雨,一八一二年的夏季总的说来是一个以暴风雨著称的夏季。 |
| 8. | Halting before the pavlograd regiment , the tsar said something in french to the austrian emperor and smiled . seeing that smile , rostov unconsciously began to smile himself and felt an even stronger rush of love for his emperor 罗斯托夫看见这种微笑后,他自己也禁不住微笑起来,并且体察到他对国王的那种有如潮水般涌来的至为强烈的爱戴之感。 |
| 9. | But the left flank , which consisted of the azovsky and podolosky infantry and the pavlograd hussars , was simultaneously attacked in front and surrounded by the cream of the french army under lannes , and was thrown into disorder 左翼是由亚速和波多尔斯克两个步兵团以及保罗格勒骠骑兵团所组成,但因法军拉纳带领的优势兵力的进攻和包抄而处于溃乱之中。 |
| 10. | You , sir , have been next to no time in the regiment ; youre here to - day , and to - morrow youll be passed on somewhere as an adjutant ; you dont care a straw for people saying : there are thieves among the pavlograd officers 骑兵上尉的声音颤栗起来, “老兄,您在兵团中没有呆上几天,今天呆在兵团里,明天就被调到什么地方去做副官。您不理睬别人说的话:保罗格勒兵团中的军官们中竟有窃贼! |