These results indicate that the three studied clonal herbs demonstrated division of labor induced by reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients 这表明,三种克隆植物发生了环境诱导的克隆内分工行为。
The annual variation of runoff turned to uniform with the landscape patchiness index and landscape diversity index increased , and it turned to extreme with the landscape contagion index and landscape dominant index increased , and it did not relate to landscape shape index 随着景观破碎度和景观多样性的增大,流域径流年内分配趋于均衡;而随景观聚集度的增大,流域径流年内分配则趋向集中,景观形状对流域径流调节作用不明显。
It is concluded that clonal plasticity is an alternative means for clonal plants to battle environmental heterogeneity . in another greenhouse experiment , we addressed the responses of three stoloniferous clonal herbs inhabiting different habitats to artificial environments with reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients 在另一温室实验中,研究了三种匍匐茎克隆草本鹅绒委陵菜、金戴戴和绢毛匍匐委陵菜对光照和养分资源交互斑块性环境的反应。
Anthropogenic activities ( e . g . development , over - grazing , timber harvest ) can disrupt the structural integrity of oasis - desert landscapes and is expected to impede diversity communities across the landscape and make it fragmented . with human dimension and activities enhancing , the patchiness grain , edge density and landscape contrast become large , landscape diversity and patch fractal dimension decreased 随着人类活动的增强,斑块粒度、边缘密度、分散度、对比度变大,而景观多样性下降,斑块分维数变小,人类生产经营活动导致了绿洲-荒漠景观破碎化,绿洲和荒漠生态系统界面上的突变性、对比度和异质性增强。
The death rate of individuals in dongwenquan population shows another pattern with slowly raise along with the age . 3 with the use of the dispersal index ( di ) clump intensity ( ci ' s ) mean crowding ( m * ) patchiness index ( pai ) . . green ' s index ( gi ) and intensity index as parameters , we further studied the spatial distribution patterns of the three populations , chtoran , hoidesyaog )种群结构与动态研究3 、用leshe矩阵模型定量预测三个种群未来20a的数量与年龄结构变化的结果显示,北温泉绪云卫矛种群数量在未来4a内会有一定程度的减少,以后的种群数量逐渐增加,呈不断扩大的趋势,而这其中幼龄个体所占的比例越来越大,老龄个体的比例越来越小。
The landscape diversity index , dominance index , patch average area and patchiness have changed respectively from 1 . 72 to 1 . 886 , 0 . 139 to 0 . 359 , 3 . 220 to 3 . 103 and from 27 . 361 to 26 . 878 in different time from 1986 to 2000 , which shows that the degree of landscape fragmentation has increased . such increase reflects severe interference of humankind . the result also shows that the spatial pattern of urban landscape has many problems such as unreasonable distribution , single configuration , reduced connectedness , increased fragmentation , decreased types of natural landscape and increased loss of soil and water 将1986年的指数与2000年的指数进行比较发现,景观的多样性指数和优势度指数都增加了,分别由1 . 72增加到1 . 886和由0 . 193增加到0 . 359 ;而平均斑块面积和景观镶嵌度指数都减小了,分别由3 . 22减到3 . 103和27 . 361减为26 . 878 。
We studied its distribution pattem by using the following measures f the test for fitting to the poisson , negative binomial and neyman a distribution . at the same time , we use negative binomial parametef , dispersal index , patchiness index , cassie s index and clumping index , estimated the aggregation intensity . the results showed that the distribution pattern is typically aggregated , and the intensity of aggregation vari 经统计分析,青岛百合复合种群、各局部种群内个体的分布格局离散分布拟合的结果符合负二项分布;各聚集强度参数中,丛生指标)和cassie指标(二k )均大于o ,负h项参数限)均较小,扩散系数k卜扩散型指数)和聚块性指标( m m )均大于1 ,以上这些表明各个局部种群的分布格局都为聚集分布。