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English translation for "outgroup"

Example Sentences:
1.An experimental study on the implicit effect of ingroup outgroup favoritism
2.What does group membership mean ? how should we measure it ? ingroup vs . outgroup
3.Due to the saturation effect , ingroup relationships were analyzed without any outgroup species
4.With the selected outgroup - chlamys farreri , the phylogenetic trees suggested that zhejiang population has differentiated . 3 . in pb - pa and y1 - p0 families of argopecten irradians , 12 and 10 rapd primers were selected , which
在海湾扇贝pb - pa与y1 - p0家系中,分别筛选出12和10条引物,其扩增出的产物在双亲中呈现多态的片段。
5.Ii . molecular phylogeny in this paper , nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast gene trnl - f region was investigated first in the ferns , the pcr primers were chosen . in the test , 34 species in athyriaceae and 3 outgroup taxa were determined trril - f region sequences
介蔗属d尽口athyrium 、蛾眉蔗属lunathyrium 、假蹄盖蔽属athyriopsis 、单叶双盖蔗diplaziumsubsinuatum组成一支,在两种系统树中均得到100 %的支持率。
6.It is also an endangered plant that is distributed only in china . five populations of d . versipelis were sampled from both the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river valley for conservation study . d . pleiantha , a congener of d . versipelis , was used as the outgroup for this study
7.By means of discontinuous tris - hcl buffer system and poly aery 1 amide gel electrophoresis ( page ) , zymogram of 23 species of 11 genera in 4 subfamilies mirinae , orthotylinae , phylinae and deraeocorinae are gained . by specific primer pcr and sequencing , 57 cyt b gene 433bp sequences are obtained from 34 species respectively belonging to 17 genera in 5 subfamilies mirinae , orthotylinae , phylinae , deraeocorinae , bryocorinae from 64 species of 23 genera which involved in this research , and 2 outgroup species of family anthocoridae as well . 1
8.Among them include 38 individuals ( including 3 individuals of 3 populations of genus adelphocoris ) of 21 species , 9 genera of subfamily mirinae , 2 individuals of 1 species , 1 genera of subfamily orthotylinae , 12 individuals of 7 species , 6 genera of subfamily phylinae , 2 individuals of 2 species , 1 genera of subfamily deraeocorinae , 1 individuals of 1 species , 1 genera of subfamily bryocorinae , and 2 individuals of 2 outgroup species belonging to 2 genera of subfamily anthocoridae as well
9.The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of f . limnocharis was detailedly compared with those of 5 other amphibians . the nucleotide sequences of 22 trna encoded by 6 amphibians mitochondrial genomes were combined and aligned to the homologous sequences of the 11 veterbrate taxa . using teleosts as outgroup , the phylogenetic analyses results show that mp , nj and ml trees all strongly support the monophyly of living amphibians with respect to other living tetrapods and favor a sister group relationship for caecilians and salamanders
我们在测定了泽蛙线粒体全基因组序列的基础上,与已知其它的5种两栖类进行详细的比较分析,同时选择了11种高等脊椎动物的线粒体全基因序列,以硬骨鱼类做外群,用22个trna基因合并数据进行系统发生重建分析,结果表明mp 、 nj和ml树都强力地支持现生两栖类动物为单系群并且蝾螈类和蚓螈类为姐妹群关系(自引导值分别为92 、 99 、 100 ) 。
10.( d ) it is strongly suggested that subfamily mirinae should be revised because its remarkable heterogeneity . 3 . for the first time , cyt b gene 432bp sequences of species belonging to genera of 5 subfamilies and 2 outgroup species are obtained in this research which is more than 50 % of 64 species involved in the experiments
3 、首次在盲峙科昆虫中通过特异引物扩增和基因测序的研究方法获得了盲峙科5个亚科门个属34种盲峙和2个外群种类的cytb基因433hp序列,占被试23个属64种盲峙的50以上。
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