He ' s just a boy barely out of his oshkosh b ' gosh 他还只是个乳臭未干的孩子
Massages are available at the student union of the university of wisconsin at oshkosh 威斯康辛大学欧需可需分校的学生活动大楼则有按摩服务。
The oshkosh truck corporation , for instance , has modified some of its off - road military vehicles forthe competition ( with the aid , as it happens , of an additional $ 1mgrant from darpa ) 甚至还有一些公司参赛者,例如奥什科什卡车公司将其一些越野军用车辆改装后用于参加比赛(碰巧获得darpa授予的100万美元额外赞助) 。
If you want to learn about flying a plane , how to make one , or if you just enjoy being around airplanes , come to the experimental aircraft association ' s airventure show in oshkosh , wisconsin 假如您想要学习如何驾驶飞机、制造飞机,或假如您只是想要享受置身飞机群的感受,那么您一定要来参加威斯康辛州奥士科士市的实验飞机协会的空中冒险展。