| 1. | Evaluation of the 7 times of opv nids conducted in liaoning province 辽宁省7次口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗强化免疫活动实施效果分析 |
| 2. | Vaccination with dtwp opv can be continued with dtap - ipv and this transition is both safe and effective in acquiring immunity for your child 以新疫苗dtap - ipv代替原有疫苗dtwp opv不但安全,而且能为儿童提供有效的免疫保护。 |
| 3. | The newly introduced ipv contains killed polio viruses which would not lead to vapp and can be used under circumstances when opv is contraindicated 新疫苗的小儿麻痹病毒成份为灭活性,因此不会引起与疫苗相关的麻痹性脊髓灰质炎,并适用于上述人士。 |
| 4. | Can my baby acquire immunity if he she receives some doses of dtwp opv and some doses of dtap - ipv vaccines ? will there be any adverse effects from such a programme 以新旧两种疫苗dtap - ipv及dtwp opv完成接种能否为幼儿带来有效的保护此接种方法会否引起不良效果 |
| 5. | Primary 1 students are used to receiving dt and opv , will it do any harm for them by receiving the new vaccine dtap - ipv ? the extra acellular pertussis component of the new vaccine offers boosting effect for the prevention of pertussis 小一学童一直以来只需接种白喉及破伤风混合疫苗dt和口服三型混合小儿麻痹疫苗opv ,使用新疫苗白喉破伤风无细胞型百日咳及灭活小儿麻痹混合疫苗dtap - ipv会否引起不良效果 |
| 6. | A combination of diphtheria tetanus vaccine and opv or diphtheria tetanus vaccine and ipv is currently used for primary six students , and will be replaced by diphtheria , tetanus , acellular pertussis reduced dose inactivated poliovirus vaccine dtap - ipv at a later phase 现行用作为小六学童接种的白喉及破伤风减量混合疫苗和小儿麻痹口服剂td opv或白喉及破伤风减量混合疫苗和灭活小儿麻痹疫苗td ipv将于稍后以白喉破伤风无细胞型百日咳减量及灭活小儿麻痹混合疫苗dtap - ipv代替。 |
| 7. | Dtap is found to be at least equally effective but associated with less frequent and less severe local and systemic adverse reactions when compared to dtwp . opv contains live , attenuated viruses which may cause vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis vapp . it is also contraindicated among individuals or household close contacts with conditions such as cancer , hiv carriers or aids patients , immunodeficiency as well as those on long term corticosteroids 原有选用的减活口服小儿麻痹病毒疫苗opv内含可导致与疫苗相关的麻痹性脊髓灰质炎vapp的减活小儿麻痹病毒,因此并不适用于出现免疫力减退的情况人士如癌症患者爱滋病带病毒者或爱滋病患者免疫力失调人士或需长期服用类固醇人士等或其家居接触者。 |
| 8. | Our company is specialized in producing great variety of paper printing and coating products , including water - based overprint varnish ( opv ) , alcohol - based and solvent based calendering opv , heat sealing opv and laminating adhesive to meet different and specialized demands in the modern paper packaging industry 我公司是专业生产纸品印刷涂料产品? ?水溶性上光油、醇溶性、油溶性磨光油、吸塑油及覆膜胶水系列产品的企业,产品种类齐全,能充分满足现代纸品印刷包装行业中多种工艺要求及特殊需要。 |