Given the model of transaction commit , divided the olf / tp protocol into two types : olf / tp - ut and olf / tp - uw then given the transport mechanism of transaction process based on http and smtp 四、给出了web事务提交模型,并根据olfffp协议的特点,将其分为olf厅p ut和olfryp uw两种。
Through the fundamental and applied research activities in this field , the olf - based molecular assembling can be realized , the nanostructured materials with special properties can be obtained , so as to enrich the developing disciplines in 21st century such as olfs - related molecular electronics and nanoelectronocs 通过该研究的基础研究和应用研究,可以真正实现基于纳米洋葱状富勒烯的分子组装,获得各种性能优异的纳米材料,从而丰富富勒烯类碳笼分子的分子电子学以及纳米电子学等这些21世纪的新兴学科。