| 1. | For what is the okanagan valley famous 奥卡那干谷以什么而闻名遐迩? |
| 2. | After that , tour the lake okanagan , search the legend of the ogopogo lake monster . back to vancouver in the afternoon 此为印地安神话传说中的湖怪出没之地。午餐后沿高速公路返回温哥华。 |
| 3. | Lake louise - okanagan lake - kelowna depart in the morning to lake louise , one of the world s most beautiful lakes , , continue travelling to morine lake 露易斯湖lake louise一奥根娜根湖水怪湖一可乐娜kelowna |
| 4. | Visit okanagan winery after breakfast , learn the manufacturing process and how to differentiate white , red , and ice wine ; you can also do some wine tasting and purchasing there 早餐后抵加国西岸酿酒及果园区,奥根娜根湖区,参观著名酿酒厂。介绍酿红白冰酒过程。 |
| 5. | Kelowna is a beautiful city nestled in green , forested mountains overlooking the crystalline waters of lake okanagan , and is frequently called " the california of british columbia . 座落于群山之间的基洛纳市,俯瞰清澈的欧卡那甘湖,景致优美,许多人美称它是英属哥伦比亚省的阳光加州。 |
| 6. | Vernon - kelowna - vancouver morning coach transfer to kelowna , visit lake okanagan in search of the lake monster ogopogo , tour also include a wine tasting trip to the nearest local winery 是日前往基隆娜市,游览卑诗省最大的奥根娜根湖俗称水怪湖及湖畔公园,乘坐豪华游船畅游奥根娜根湖。 |
| 7. | Following with tour to the beautiful lake okanagan in search of the lake monster ogopogo . we also include a wine tasting trip to the famous calona winery . coach transfer to vernon in the late afternoon 午后专车前往有水果之乡美誉的奥根娜根河谷,参观位于基隆娜市有名之calona vineyards酿酒厂,团友并可随意选购各式佳酿。 |
| 8. | In the morning , board the deluxe coach to travel along the scenery highway to kelowna , enjoy sightseeing on the okanagan lake . then we will visit the famous winery to taste the red and white wine . afterwards will visit the orchard farm optional depends on season 早上搭乘巴士前往卑斯内著名城市基拿游览,先观果园及采购新鲜水果此项视季节而定,继而前往观著名葡萄酿酒厂及游览卑斯最大的奥根娜根湖。 |
| 9. | In point of fact , throughout much of the 20th century it was entirely reasonable to speculate about and search for bigfoot , as it was for the creatures of loch ness , lake champlain and lake okanagan ( scotland ' s nessie , the northeastern u . s . ' s champ and british columbia ' s ogopogo , respectively ) 事实上,就20世纪大部份的时间来说,思考与寻找大脚的存在是完全合理的,一如我们寻找苏格兰尼斯湖的水怪妮西、美国善普连湖的水怪钱普,以及加拿大奥卡纳干湖中的水怪奥高普高一样。 |