| 1. | When employers are going to offer employment and provide ojt to eligible job seekers , they have to submit a duly completed 如雇主准备聘请某合适的求职人士并安排在职培训,必须尽快填妥 |
| 2. | When employers are going to offer employment and provide ojt to eligible job seekers , they have to submit a duly completed 如雇主准备聘请某合适的求职人士并安排在职培训,必须尽快填妥 |
| 3. | Employers will be given a training allowance of 1 , 500 per month up to a maximum period of 3 months upon completion of ojt for each of the job seeker 雇主于有关培训完成后,可向本处申请培训津贴,金额为每月$ 1500 ,为期不超过三个月。 |
| 4. | Employers will be given a training allowance of $ 1 , 500 per month up to a maximum period of 3 months upon completion of ojt for each of the job seeker 雇主于有关培训完成后,可向本处申请培训津贴,金额为每月$ 1500 ,为期不超过三个月。 |
| 5. | The planning of on - the - job training system in the construction department is based on our solid and detailed training system and promoted by specialists and senior managers 建设事业部的人才培育,向有建全周详的训练体系,并由专家及资深主管担任推动在职训练制度ojt建立人才培育计划。 |
| 6. | Upon demonstrating satisfactory performance , the authorized individual will sign - off and record the date on all the ojt sheet item ( s ) for this lesson . this will show completion of this lesson 在学员成绩表现令人满意后,授权者将填写有关这节课的在职培训表单:签字并记录日期。表示该课程完结。 |
| 7. | Upon demonstrating satisfactory performance , the authorized individual will sign - off and record the date on all the ojt sheet item ( s ) for this lesson . this will show completion of this lesson 为了验证执行的很令人满意,经授权的个人将填写有关这节课的在职培训表单,签字并记录日期,意味课程完结。 |
| 8. | Employers engaging eligible job seekers i . e . aged 40 or above and have registered with the labour department in full time permanent jobs , may apply for the provision of a 3 - month ojt to the job seekers to equip them with necessary job specific skills 雇主只须聘用年满40岁并已于劳工处登记的求职人士担任全职长工,并向本处提出初步申请,为该新入职员工提供三个月的在职培训,令他们掌握工作所需的技术。 |
| 9. | Employers engaging eligible job seekers ( i . e . aged 40 or above and have registered with the labour department ) in full time permanent jobs , may apply for the provision of a 3 - month ojt to the job seekers to equip them with necessary job specific skills 雇主只须聘用年满40岁并已于劳工处登记的求职人士担任全职长工,并向本处提出初步申请,为该新入职员工提供三个月的在职培训,令他们掌握工作所需的技术。 |
| 10. | Once they are engaged by the employers with full time permanent jobs , if the employers are willing to offer them with on - the - job training ( ojt ) recognized under the programme during the first 3 months of the employment , employers may apply for a training allowance 求职人士无需办理任何登记手续,只需如常使用本处的就业服务。当求职人士找到全职长工时,雇主假如为他们提供经本处认可的在职培训,便可申请培训津贴。 |