Adam eckersley was injured during brondby ' s 2 - 2 draw at odense 亚当-埃克斯利在布隆德比0 - 0战平奥丹斯的比赛中受伤。
Anderson ' s works are staged in odense , with children and visitors acting out the parts 安徒生的作品正在欧登塞上演,孩子和游人分别扮演剧中的角色。
Born on april 2 , 1805 , in odense , denmark , andersen was an emotional , yet imaginative , child 安徒生1805年4月2日出生于丹麦欧登塞,他是一个多愁善感而富于想象力的孩子。
Andersen died on august 4 , 1875 . his home in odense is now a museum and thousands of people visit it every year 丹麦作家安徒生的童年并不幸福,他却写出了令无数孩子欢笑的经典童话。
One of the most famous authors of fairy tales in the world , hans christian anderson , was born in odense in the 19th century 汉斯。安徒生是世界上最著名的童话作家之一。 19世纪,他出生在欧登塞。
H . c . andersen was born under extremely poor conditions in the danish town odense as the son of a shoe - maker and a washer - woman 安徒生诞生在丹麦奥登塞镇的一个非常贫困的家庭。他的父亲是个鞋匠,母亲是一个洗衣女工。
Among the tales told in the town of odense , where andersen was born in 1805 , was one about a fairy who brought death to those who danced with her 1805年安徒生出生在小镇欧登塞,镇上流传着一个仙女把与她跳舞的人弄死的故事。
Hans christian andersen was born in odense , 93 miles west of capital copenhagen , in 1805 , the son of a poor shoemaker and his nearly illiterate wife 汉斯?克里斯蒂安?安徒生1805年出生于丹麦首都哥本哈根以西93英里的欧登塞。他的父亲是一个穷鞋匠,他的母亲几乎不识字。
Andersen was born in odense , denmark to the family of a poor cobbler , who believed he was of aristocratic origin and loved literature . andersens mother , a washerwoman , was uneducated but nonetheless exposed her son to the world of folklore 安徒生出生于丹麦奥登塞一个穷鞋匠家里,他的父亲热爱文学,并相信自己拥有贵族血统,母亲虽是没受过教育的洗衣妇,但也引导自己的孩子沉浸在民间故事的天地里。