| 1. | Analysis and influence of the npa in heilongjiang banking industry 黑龙江金融不良资产状况分析及影响 |
| 2. | Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a novel double helix supermolecule npa en 的水热合成与晶体结构 |
| 3. | Effect of 3 - npa preconditioning on protein and mrna expression of erythropoietin in neurons subjected to cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats 在局灶性脑缺血预处理大鼠中作用机制的探讨 |
| 4. | I was glad to hear from the guangxi wccw that they have already incorporated this initiative in their npa 我已高兴地听到,广西省妇儿工委已将这个项目纳入到他们的省级妇女儿童发展纲要之中。 |
| 5. | Upon exiting , the hunters shall report the species and number hunted and pay a corresponding fee . the fees shall be set by the npa 离开时,应向受托管理机关、团体报明获取野生动物之种类、数量,并缴纳费用。 |
| 6. | " npa specimen taken from all the girl s home contacts also yielded negative result to h9 while serology tests are pending , " the spokesman said 发言人说:所有女婴的家居接触者的咽喉分泌样本均对h9病毒呈阴性反应,血清化验则仍在进行中。 |
| 7. | Given the difference of countries situation and bank credit cultures , the modes and methods to disposing the npa of banks should also be different 但是由于各国国情不同,银行的信贷文化也不一样,因此化解银行不良资产的方式、方法和思路也应当是千差万别的。 |
| 8. | Yet no substantiality progress has been made to dispose the bad assets of chinese banking system , which make it rather an important , at present new thoughts and methods are urgent in handling the npa 在实践中,中国银行体系的不良资产的处置从总体上来讲并没有取得实质性进展,迫切需要新的思路和方法。银行不良资产不是中国特有的问题。 |
| 9. | For utilization of wildlife , a hunting or fishing fee shall also be paid . collecting of a hunting or fishing fees shall be handled according to budget procedures . the hunting or fishing fees shall be determined by the npa 基于学术研究或教育目的对保育类野生动物之利用完成后一年内,应将该保育类野生动物之后续处理及利用成果,作成书面资料送各级主管机关备查。 |
| 10. | We hope to see an even stronger surveillance taking place as part of the npa monitoring at the provincial and county levels , to build a stronger advocacy for gender equality and to mobilize local government to increase resources for girls education 在项目省和项目县,结合对当地妇女儿童发展纲要的监测,我们希望看到一个更加行之有效的监测体系,我们也希望建立更加强大的宣传阵容以推动对性别平等意识的宣传,我们也希望地方政府为女童教育增加资源和投入。 |