Health is the best gain ; contentment is the best wealth . a trusty friend is the best kinsman ; nibbana is the supreme bliss 健康是最好的得著,知足是最好的财富;可靠的朋友是最好的亲友、涅?是最高无上的乐土。
When the buddha used the image to explain nibbana to the indian brahmans of his day , he bypassed the question of whether an extinguished fire continues to exist or not , and focused instead on the impossibility of defining a fire that doesn ' t burn : thus his statement that the person who has gone totally " out " can ' t be described 当佛陀用这个比喻对当时印度的婆罗门人士讲解涅盘之意时,绕过了熄灭之火是否继续存在的问题,而是侧重于说明,要定义不燃之火是不可能的:因此他关于一个彻底“熄灭”者的称谓,也是不可描述的。