But last november the food and drug administration restated concerns about continuing e . coli outbreaks in leave ( leafy ) greens . the f . d . a . noted 18 outbreaks in warning ( involving ) fresh or fresh cut ( fresh - cut ) nevers ( lettuce ) and 1 in warning ( involving ) fresh cut ( fresh - cut ) spinach since 1995 但是去年11月,美国食物与药品管理局重申了关于一连串的由多叶蔬菜而引起的大肠杆菌爆发的事务.美国食物与药品管理局表示自1995年开始有18起的爆发是由新鲜或新鲜摘的生菜而引起的,有1起是由新鲜摘的菠菜而引起的
" say this to him : sire , you are deceived as to the feeling in france , as to the opinions of the towns , and the prejudices of the army ; he whom in paris you call the corsican ogre , who at nevers is styled the usurper , is already saluted as bonaparte at lyons , and emperor at grenoble “对他这样说:陛下,关于法国的形势,市民的舆论,军队的士气,您受骗了。那个在巴黎被您称为科西嘉岛的魔王,在内韦尔被冠以逆贼头衔的人,已经在里昂被人欢呼为波拿巴,在格勒诺布尔被尊为皇帝了。