But the kissingers were a jewish family in a germany that was on the brink of nazism . 当时纳粹主义正在德国兴起,而基辛格一家是犹太人。
The british and french premiers, once they had abandoned appeasement, appealed to the kremlin to sign an alliance to contain nazism . 英法政府首脑一旦抛弃绥靖政策,就呼吁克里姆林宫签订盟约,以遏制纳粹主义。
Nazism : you have 2 cows . the state takes both and shoots you 反十字:你有两头牛,国家先把牛抢了再一炮灭了你
Nazism : you have 2 cows . the state takes both and shoots you 纳粹:你有两只牛? ,政府会罗晒你既,跟住做瓜你。
Nazism : you have 2 cows . the state takes both and shoots you 纳粹主义:你有2头母牛,国家2头都拿走,把你给枪毙了
Yet as the long shadow of nazism dominates their lives , one becomes an officer in the ss and the other a pawn of the system 他们原本形影不离,但当纳粹的阴影长期笼罩着他们生活的时候,他们一个成了纳粹党卫军的军官,另一个则成为了该制度的爪牙。
It might have done , had it tackled some difficult issues , such as whether courage is admirable in those who fight for causes that are less uncontroversially noble than opposing nazism or apartheid 它本可以抓住一些难以解释的事情,如发起战争不是反对纳粹主义或种族隔离(这些都是崇高目标) ,这样的勇气是否该发扬。
During the yalta negotiations , the soviet union firmly came out in favour of preserving germanys statehood and integrity . soviet people fought nazism , not the german nation for whom they felt no hatred 从扩大双边关系的群众基础、加强公民间的接触和深化我们两国人民之间的相互理解的角度来看,这种交流是极其重要的。