| 1. | The european union and its member nation - states 欧盟与欧盟属下的民族国家 |
| 2. | Nation - state and its multi - directional choice 论民族国家及其选择的多向性 |
| 3. | The new history and the rise of the nation - state concept 20世纪初新史学与民族国家观念的兴起 |
| 4. | Contemporary china ' s nation - state identities 现代中国的民族国家认同 |
| 5. | Economic globalization and the nation - states 经济全球化与民族国家 |
| 6. | Nation - state and globalization 民族国家与全球化 |
| 7. | Narrations of the nation - state and cultural identity in chinese modern literature 中国近现代文学中的民族国家叙事与文化认同 |
| 8. | People - state and nation - state : two theory and practice of state construction in modern china 近代中国的两种建国理念与实践 |