Reduction of competition for food stimulates both natality and survival . 食物竞争的减少,刺激了出生率和存活力。
Study on main manifestation and its contemporary meanings of the traditional morality of yi natality 试论彝族传统道德的主要表现形式及其当代意义
That both natality and mortality , as well as all other phenomena of evolution , tidal movements , lunar phases , blood temperatures , diseases in general , everything , in fine , in nature s vast workshop from the extinction of some remote sun to the blossoming of one of the countless flowers which beautify our public parks , is subject to a law of numeration as yet unascertained 文林奇先生算术学士提出了富于独创性的建议:出生与死亡,与所有其他进化现象潮汐的涨落月亮的盈亏体温的高低一般疾病一样。总而言之,大自然之巨大作坊中的万物,远方一颗恒星之消失乃至点缀公园的无数鲜花之绽开,均应受计数法则的支配,而这一法则迄今尚未确定下来。