n. 1.对有身分的穆斯林的尊称。 2.【历史】(印度莫卧儿帝国时代的)太守[总督]。 3.〔古语〕在印度发了大财的英国人;富翁,大财主。 4.〔美俚〕名士。 短语和例子 -ism, -ery n. 财主气概[行为]。
Example Sentences:
Why , this count of monte cristo must be a nabob ? 看来,这位基督山伯爵是一位富豪了! ”
" why , he must be a nabob “咦,他一定是一个印度王公啦!
" i am very sure no nabob would have sent me a pair of horses worth 32 , 000 francs , wearing on their heads four diamonds valued at 5 , 000 francs each . “我敢绝对肯定没有哪一个印度王公会送我一对价值三万法郎的马,还给马头戴上四颗每颗价值五千法郎的钻石。 ”
So extreme was the surprise of the sailor , that he was unable even to thank edmond , whose receding figure he continued to gaze after in speechless astonishment . " some nabob from india , " was his comment 最后,他深深地吸了一口气,再看一看他手中的金币,回到了码头上,自言自语的说: “这是印度来的一个大富翁。 ”
He had the whitest shirt on you ever see , too , and the shiniest hat ; and there ain t a man in that town that s got as fine clothes as what he had ; and he had a gold watch and chain , and a silver - headed cane - the awfulest old gray - headed nabob in the state 身上这套衣服,镇上没有人比得上这么漂亮。还有一只金表,有金链条。还有头上镀了银的手杖是本州最可尊敬的满头霜染的年老的大富翁。
My father , who never goes out , has several times been on the point of refusing this invitation ; madame de villefort , on the contrary , is burning with the desire of seeing this extraordinary nabob in his own house , therefore , she has with great difficulty prevailed on my father to accompany her 我的父亲从来不出门,他几次都想谢绝这个邀请。维尔福夫人却正相反,她特别想去看看这位奇怪富翁家里的情形,费了老大的劲儿才说服我的父亲陪她一起去。不,不!
" in two hours time , " said he , " these persons will depart richer by fifty piastres each , to go and risk their lives again by endeavoring to gain fifty more ; then they will return with a fortune of six hundred francs , and waste this treasure in some city with the pride of sultans and the insolence of nabobs “两小时之后, ”他说, “这些人就会每人分得五十个毕阿士特然后重新出发,冒着生命危险,再去挣上五十个毕阿士特。他们会带着一笔六百里弗的财富回家,然后带着象苏丹那样的骄傲,象印度富豪那样不可一世的神气,把这笔财富在某个城市里花得干干净净。
Then he had been seized upon by danglars , who , with a rapid glance at the stiff - necked old major and his modest son , and taking into consideration the hospitality of the count , made up his mind that he was in the society of some nabob come to paris to finish the worldly education of his heir 后来腾格拉尔缠上了他,那位银行家看到这位少校是那样的盛气凌人,而他的儿子却是这样的谦虚有礼,再想到伯爵对他们的态度是那样的,就认定他遇到的是一位带儿子到巴黎来增加阅历的大富翁。
" let me assure you , madame , " said lucien , " that had i really the sum you mention at my disposal , i would employ it more profitably than in troubling myself to obtain particulars respecting the count of monte cristo , whose only merit in my eyes consists in his being twice as rich as a nabob “我向您发誓,夫人, ”吕西安说道, “假如我真的有您所说的那笔款子可以动用的话,我也会把它用到较有益的地方,而不会自找麻烦地打听基督山伯爵的种种细节的。在我的眼里,他唯一的长处就是他比一个印度王公还要富有一倍而已。