The speciality of chinese traditional medication decoction pieces means the hard job of its quality controlling and management , which covers identification of the confusion , falsify and counterfeit , checking of medicate part , impurity , humidity , bitten by insect , mustiness and oil - releasing , counting of package and number , and the quality controlling and storing management in warehouse . the author here would like to share some experiences which from both theory and the practices 中药饮片的特殊性决定了其质量控制和管理的难度,从饮片入库前的验收,包括易混品、掺伪品、假冒品的鉴别,药用部位、饮片杂质、湿度、虫蛀、发霉和走油等方面的检查,及包装和数量的清点,到饮片的在库养护如库房的管理和饮片的保存等,都需要在实践中结合理论进行摸索和总结。