Q : are parents allowed to stay with their children during class for the musicianship course 问:家长可否陪伴子女上音乐通识课?
Q : what is musicianship course ? why are trainees required to take the course 问:甚么是音乐通识课程,为何规定学员修读是项课程?
Q : can non - music office trainees enrol in the musicianship course , music theory course , and aural training course 问:非音乐事务处学员可否参加音乐通识乐理或听音课程?
That night , leehom delivered a polished performance , executing his dancing , bantering and musicianship with perfunctory precision 那晚,力宏演出完美,一展他的舞姿、风趣和音乐才能。
A : the elementary , intermediate , and advanced levels of the musicianship course and aural training course are offered free of charge 答:初中高级音乐通识课程及听音课程均为免费课程5级及8级乐理课程则为收费课程。
A : musicianship course is a foundation music training programme which covers areas like music theory , aural training , sight - singing , music appreciation and improvisation 答:音乐通识课程为一项音乐基础训练,内容包括乐理听音视唱音乐欣赏及即兴创作。
A : weekly hour - long group classes are conducted in cantonese supplemented with training in musicianship and music theory . q : will parents be allowed to sit in on classes 答:器乐训练计划以广东话授课,并配备音乐通识及乐理课程,学员每星期以小组形式上课1小时。
A : the musicianship course and aural training course of the music office are restricted to trainees of the instrumental music training scheme , while the grade 5 and grade 8 music theory courses are open for application by members of our bands orchestras choirs 答:本处音乐通识及听音课程只供本处器乐训练计划学员修读, 5级及8级乐理课程则接受本处乐团合唱团团员申请。
It s a style grounded on the exceptional musicianship that these four talented performers crafted at two of australia s finest tertiary music schools : the canberra school of music at the australian national university and the elder conservatorium of music at adelaide university 这种风格建基于不平凡的音乐才能,四位歌手本身才华出众,于澳洲两所最出色的专上音乐院校修读,包括澳洲国立大学的坎培拉音乐学院及阿德莱德大学的长老音乐学院。
With over 800 classes in more than 30 western and chinese musical instruments , the scheme is open to local young people between the age of 6 and 23 . some 4 000 trainees , from beginners to grade 8 level , are currently enrolled in the scheme that also provides training in musicianship 音乐事务处每年开办逾800班中西乐器训练班,为4 000多名年由6 23岁的学员提供三十多类初学至8级程度的器乐训练,学员每星期在指定音乐中心以小组形式上课一小时。