The many mortgagers of hong kong , for example , are now enjoying a mortgage interest rate , relative to prime , that is four percentage points less than six years ago 举例说,现时本港众多按揭供款人所付相比最优惠贷款利率的按揭利率,便较
Fourthly , the author commented on the realization of the right of mortgage , the protection of the interest of mortgager and the handling of mortgage dissension 第四部分,对按揭权的实现,按揭人利益的保护,按揭纠纷的处理等实践问题进行评析。
The first one is whether the third party can be the mortgager according to the maritime code , the third party can not the guarantee others " debt with his own ship 第一个问题是第三人是否可以成为船舶抵押的抵押人的问题。据《海商法》的规定可推知,在船舶抵押中第三人不能用自己的船舶为他人的债务做担保。
Once the loan contract is signed , the interest payment is locked . so it is more advantageous to mortgager . in banking business , mortgage prepayment is usually regarded as a convention 同浮动利率住房抵押贷款比较,固定利率住房抵押贷款对贷款人比较有利,一旦签订合同,在贷款期限内可以避免由利率上升带来的贷款成本增长。
Nonetheless , mortgage - backed still have some existing defects with the security , profitability and liquidity of modern commercial banks are looked at : one of the defects is that the capital that the bank gives to the mortgager is a liability of the bank to the depositors 但是,以现代商业银行经营的安全性、盈利性和流动性角度来看,住房抵押贷款仍存在一些缺陷:一是银行贷给按揭人的资金是银行对储蓄者的负债。
The transfer of pawn is the disposition of the pawn by the mortgager , three parties are concerned : the mortgagee , the mortgager , and the buyer . because of the identity of the target between the formerly existing hypothec relation and the debt relation afterwards , there are sure to be certain beneficial conflicts among the three parties 在传统大陆法系民法中,普遍承认抵押权具有追及效力,即抵押权一经设立,抵押物所有权的变动,不影响抵押权的效力,抵押权的效力及于抵押物的受让人。
Having expounded the legal constitution , origin , meaning etc , the author draws a conclusion about the essence of the mortgage - the transferring guarantee , which is in contrast to the popular opinion that mortgage is charge or hypothecation , exactly speaking , what is transferred is the mortgager ' s expective right to the ownership 关于楼花按揭的性质,国内说法不一,所以在第二部分笔者首先简要介绍了各种观点,然后从法律构成、渊源;意义等三方面进行了论述之后得出结论:楼花按揭的实质是让与担保。
Based on these , considering prepayment " influence on mbs " price , the following three pricing methods are researched on deeply . referring to the experiences of foreign countries , the pricing method based on prepayment pattern is given ; considering the influence of interest rate on prepayment , different interest rate simulation pricing methods are set up , which is on the basis of different interest rate term structure model ; in view of interest rate and different incentive threshold of mortgager , a interest rate incentive function simulation model is established to price mbs 在此基础上,考虑到预付对证券价格的影响,对以下三种定价方式进行了深入研究:借鉴国外经验,提出了基于提前还款模式的定价方法;考虑利率对预付行为的影响,建立了基于利率期限结构的不同种模拟利率定价模型;考虑到利率以及抵押借款人的不同利率刺激门槛对预付的影响,建立利率刺激函数模拟模型进行定价。
Second , the writer discusses the theoretical orientation of the mortagage of presold merchandise buildings , pointing out that the mortagage of presold merchandise buildings is a kind of droit mortagage based on the expectant ownshipo since the buildings have not been constructed yet when they are mortagaged , the mortgagers ( eg . the buyers ) have not had the ownership of the buildings but have the expectant ownship of the buildings . the buyers have the right to request the ownship of the buildings from the builders , the preselling registered system make the droit has the character of the ownship so this expectant ownship can be mortagaged 其次,本文探讨了预售商品房抵押的理论定位,指出预售商品房抵押是在物权性的期待权上设定的权利抵押。由于抵押时预售商品房尚未建成,抵押人(预购人)尚不享有预售房的所有权,只是享有预售商品房所有权期待权。该期待权的性质本是请求开发商交付房屋的债权,但由于预告登记制度的建立,使其具有物权性质。
In our future real right law , there should be some limitations to the open objects , hut nor the open contents in the property register of immovables ; lawsuit time limit should not he applied to return protoplast right of applicant ; we had better constitute positive prescription system ; powerless punish should not affect the force of contracts when the endorser has no right , but the transferee is well - meaning ; there should be proper toleration to the unanimous consent principle on punishing mutual thing ; we should prohibit mortgaging to some movable property which has no way to open ; there should not be the time limitation when mortgager realizes the hypothec after the fulfilling tern ; of primary creditor ' s rights is over , except that mortgager is not the debtor ; when the debtor do not refund the debt , the mortgager cannot get the guaranty directly , but he may put in for the court to auction guaranty 摘要我国未来物权法,对于不动产登记簿的开放对象应当有所限制,但对于开放内容不应有所限制;物权人的返还原物请求权不应当适用诉讼时效;应当建立取得时效制度,并应区分一般动产、准不动产、未登记不动产而规定不同的成立条件;在动产的转让人为无权处分而受让人为善意的情况下,转让人与受让人之间的合同是否有效不应当以“无权处分”为条件,只有在转让合同无效的情形下,受让人取得标的物的所有权才是依善意取得制度的取得,此时的取得是原始取得;在共同共有的情形下,原则上处分共有物应当经共有人全体一致同意,但应容有若干例外;不应当规定居住权;动产抵押的公示方式问题无法彻底解决,如果规定动产抵押,应当实行登记要件主义,适于烙印、打刻或贴标签的动产,应当采取烙印、打刻或贴标签的方式,其他无法解决公示方式的动产应当禁止抵押;主债权履行期届满后,抵押权人行使抵押权,原则上不应当有一个时间限制,但抵押人非为债务人时可容有例外;在债务人不偿债时,抵押权人不能直接让抵押人交出抵押物,实现抵押权,但可以持抵押权登记簿副本直接申请法院拍卖抵押物。