n. 1. 孟高尔费〔姓氏〕。 2.Joseph Michel Montgolfier 约瑟夫、米海尔(1740-1810), Jacques Etienne Montgolfier 雅克艾甸(1745-1799)〔弟兄二人均为法国轻气球发明者〕。 3.〔m-〕热空气气球。
Example Sentences:
The montgolfier brothers launched the first passenger balloon in france in 1783 孟高尔费兄弟于1783年在法国将第一个载客汽球送上天空。
" experimental attempts may have begun by 1709 , but not until 1783 did j . - m . and j . - . montgolfier develop a fabric - bag balloon that would rise when filled with hot air . 1709年人类开始作实验性的尝试,但一直至1783年法国蒙戈尔费埃兄弟才发展出一种纤维织物袋气球,其在充满热空气后即可浮升。