| 1. | Say something to mollify his anger . 你去解劝几句,叫他别生气了。 |
| 2. | Clara was soon mollified . 克拉娜的情绪不久就缓和下来了。 |
| 3. | He tried to mollify his father's anger by apologizing . 他企图以认错来减缓他父亲的怒气。 |
| 4. | Ivan antonwitch said it, in a somewhat mollified voice . 伊凡安东诺维奇说那话时,声音变得温和了些。 |
| 5. | He would not be mollified until his grandchildren arrived . 要不是他的儿孙们来到,他心中的怒火还不会消失。 |
| 6. | Lady grizzel was won by her humility and was mollified towards her . 葛立泽儿夫人见她这样谦虚,心里很喜欢,从此不讨厌她了。 |
| 7. | Jud was mollified at once when he saw that i had not been dealing in allusions . 贾德明白了我不是含沙射影之后,神色马上和缓了。 |
| 8. | He feared this portent and tried to banish it from his mind, mollify it erase it-but it kept returning . 他害怕这个不祥的预兆,想方设法把它从脑子里撵出去,平息它,消除它--但是它总是返回来。 |
| 9. | When cathrine took him at his word, and consented to renounce the attempt to mollify her father, he drew back skillfully enough . 当凯瑟琳听从他的话答应放弃抚慰父亲的努力时,他巧妙地退却了。 |
| 10. | He only looked at her in the most kindly and mollifying way 他只是用十分体贴和安抚的目光看着她。 |