We believe the large dose of minoxidil exaggerated the coarsening of facial features 我们相信大剂量米诺地尔可以使面部轮廓增粗。
Rogaine for men extra strength , available since 1997 , is a 5 % minoxidil topical solution 1997年起可购买的特强男士专用落建是5 %的米诺地尔溶液。
Regaine is a topical solution for treating male baldness with an active ingredient called minoxidil Regaine是一种治疗雄性秃头的外用生发水,其有效成份为minoxidil 。
Minoxidil , taken orally , has been used for decades in the treatment of vascular hypertension . the most startling and unpredicted side effect was hair growth 口服的米诺地尔曾数十年应用于高血压的治疗,他最令人吃惊和出乎意料的副作用是毛发的生长。
Rogaine for men , available since 1988 , is a 2 % minoxidil topical solution that works on hair follicles to reverse their shrinking process to stimulate new growth on the top of your scalp 1988年起可购买的男士专用落建是2 %的米诺地尔外用溶液,它使毛囊由缩小过程向重新生长转变。
There are several treatment options for alopecia areata , including corticosteroid cream or injection , topical minoxidil or anthralin , phototherapy and cosmetic therapy such as hairpieces 斑秃的治疗方法有多种,包括外用或局部注射类固醇、外用药物如minoxidil或anthralin 、紫外光治疗、及美容治疗如植发等。