He defined the process of industrialism as essentially pacific in constrast to the militaristic spirit of feudal society . 他认为,较之封建社会的黩武精神,工业主义的历程本质上是和平的。
The world needs to hear this message more than any other message - economic , militaristic or economical 世界需要圣诞节,世界需要听到这信息,比任何其它信息更甚。
These outfits are non - hierarchical , decentralised , nominally leaderless and organised with militaristic precision 这些配备没有社会阶级之分,没有特定中心、名义上没有领袖,组织起来却有著军事化的精确度。
Critics say the shrine glorifies japan ' s militaristic past , but koizumi says he visits the shrine to pray for peace 批评人士说,靖国神社美化日本军国主义的历史,但是小泉说,他参拜靖国神社是为了祈祷和平。
But even as japan apologized , it blunted that message when japanese lawmakers friday visited a war shrine critics say glorifies tokyos militaristic past 但是由于礼拜五有日本议员参拜被批评者认为是美化日本军国主义的靖国神社使得首相的道歉变的十分生硬。
Japanese prime minister junichiro koizumi ' s repeated visits to the yasukuni war shrine in tokyo have also upset china , which views the shrine as a symbol of japan ' s militaristic past 此外,日本首相小泉一再参拜东京的靖国神社也令中国愤怒。中国认为靖国神社是日本军国主义历史的象征。