n. (pl. miasmas, miasmata ) (腐败有机物发散的)毒气,(尤指)瘴气;有害的气氛[影响]。
Example Sentences:
Academic features of lingnan prescriptions in treating miasma 辨证治瘴的学术特点
A miasma rose from the marsh 沼泽地里冒出了瘴气
Residents on the west side of handan live in a miasma of dust and smoke that environmental authorities acknowledge contains numerous carcinogens 邯郸市西部地区的居民,每天都生活在乌烟瘴气的环境中,连当地环保部门都承认,许多污染物含有致癌物质。
In the exploration of enduring great hardships , though the domain of mathematics was shronded in rational miasma , the wisdom light of human thought will light up the whole world in the end 在筚路蓝缕的求索中,数学的王国虽曾笼罩过理性的迷雾,但人类思想的智慧之光终将照彻寰宇。
Driving on the yunnan - burma road , everybody must overcome the four dangers of miasmas and pernicious malaria , heavy rain and mud , dangerous road conditions and air raids by japanese planes 在滇缅公路上行丰,人人都必须闯过四道“鬼门关” :瘴疟关、雨水泥泞关、险路和险情关、日机轰炸关。