Jiangs flushing tube is consisted by outer hard tube and inner soft tube . the flushing tube is for curing cow ' s metritis and infusion medicine to uterus 蒋氏子宫冲洗和为外硬质管和内软质管构成,用于牛和水牛子宫炎症的的治疗和子宫内灌药。
Indicated for streptococcus disease , toxoplasmosis , coccidiosis , yellow scours and white scours of young animal , edema , mastitis of female animals , metritis , and puerperal fever etc 犬猫链球菌病、犬弓形体病、球虫病、幼仔畜腹泻及母畜乳房炎、子宫炎、产襦热等。