Meticulosity and abstrusity vs tenuousness and melodiousness - the beauty of 论中国古典文学对泰国文学的影响
Thousands of rocket test of aerospace group created our working spirit of ever - pursuit and meticulosity 航天人千百次的火箭试验铸就了精益求精一丝不苟的精神。
We are only holding professional demeanor as meticulosity , brilliance individuality as show originality , excellent quality as sculpture exquisitely 因为一丝不苟,才拥有专业的风范,因为独具匠心,才拥有鲜明个性,因为精雕细琢,才拥有卓越的品质!
Shanghai qiguang will continue to precisely execute iec60 . 598 standard and inspection process , take a meticulosity and keep improving manner in the quality control 上海奇光将继续严谨执行iec60 . 598标准和检验流程,对产品质量的检验一丝不苟、精益求精。
And the words and expressions used , whether it is a noun or a verb , all belong to the fond style more than the colloquial one , which fully represent both solemnity and meticulosity in legal documents 所用的词语,无论是名词还是动词,都属于“正式”的词,而非人们日常使用的口语体,体现出法律文本的严肃性和缜密性。
The company always takes the quality as its life since long time ago and strictly follows the international qa system standards . by keeping improving on each detailed item with meticulosity and insisting on the theory of " do it well once " 、 we not only get acknowledged from the owners , but also won the honors for the company 长期以来,公司视质量为生命,严格履行国际质量管理体系标准,工程的每个细节都精益求精、一丝不苟,坚持“一次做好”的理念,不仅得到了业主的认可,更为公司赢得了荣誉。