| 1. | Meg couldn't refuse the offer so kindly made . 麦格觉得盛情难却。 |
| 2. | Meg wasn't at all agreeable at breakfast time . 麦格早餐时一直闷闷不乐。 |
| 3. | Meg enacted escort with great dignity . 麦格威风八面,当了保镖。 |
| 4. | Meg tried to keep her countenance . 麦格极力使自己不露声色。 |
| 5. | You don't know how hard it is for me to give up meg . 你不知道,对我来说失去梅格有多难受。 |
| 6. | Meg arranged the tea table . 麦格在摆弄茶桌。 |
| 7. | Meg laughed outright . 麦格笑得前仰后合。 |
| 8. | Meg and jo fed their mother like dutiful young storks . 麦格和裘像一对忠实的小鹳似地喂她们的母亲。 |
| 9. | She was always scandalizing meg by her queer performances . 她那些标新立异的举动,总使麦格感到不安。 |
| 10. | Let's send him about his business, and not tell meg a word of it . 咱们把他撵出去,什么也别告诉麦格。 |