So it had been at lodi , marengo , arcole , jena , austerlitz , wagram , and so on , and so on 在济迪马伦戈阿尔科拉耶拿奥斯特利茨瓦格拉木等等地方都是这样。
Sire , go , leave france to its real master , to him who acquired it , not by purchase , but by right of conquest ; go , sire , not that you incur any risk , for your adversary is powerful enough to show you mercy , but because it would be humiliating for a grandson of saint louis to owe his life to the man of arcola , marengo , austerlitz 把法兰西让给它真正的主了吧,让给那个不是把它买到手,而是征服它的人吧。走吧,陛下,倒并不是因为您会遇到什么危险,因为您的对手很强大,会宽容您的,面对圣路易的孙子来说,竟让那个打赢了阿柯尔战役,马伦戈战役,奥斯特利茨战役的那个人饶他一命未免也太丢脸了。
" raving mad ; his head becomes weaker . sometimes he weeps bitterly , sometimes laughs boisterously , at other time he passes hours on the seashore , flinging stones in the water and when the flint makes duck - and - drake five or six times , he appears as delighted as if he had gained another marengo or austerlitz 他时而痛哭,时而狂笑,时而一连几小时在海边上拿石子来打水漂当那石子在水面上连跳五六下的时候,他就高兴得好象又取得了一次马伦戈在捷克,一八五年,拿破仑在此打败奥俄联军。