About 1 , 500 people a year are operated on for obesity , and the death rate is put at between 1 and 2 per cent of all such patients , with 10 per cent suffering severe post - operative crises . the molding clinic , where mrs obasanjo was treated , is one of several in the marbella area , where an expatriate population that includes thousands of britons increases the numbers of those choosing to undergo cosmetic surgery 据泰晤士报10月25报道,统计数据表明,每年西班牙大约有1500人进行减肥手术,死亡率高达1至2 ,仅2002年,就有15人因接受减肥手术而死亡,而减肥手术后经历过并发症痛苦的人则达到10 。