She went from the latest novel to orlando furioso, from the euphues of john lyly to the tender melancholy of verlaine . 她阅读的范围从最新的小说到《奥兰多弗里奥莎》,从约翰利利的文体绮丽的著作到魏尔伦的颓废的柔情。
She went from the latest novel to orlando furioso , from the euphues of john lyly to the tender melancholy of verlaine 她阅读的范围从最新的小说到《奥兰多?弗里奥莎》 ,从约翰?利利的文体绮丽的著作到魏尔伦的颓废的柔情。
She went from the latest novel to orlando furioso , from the euphues of john lyly to the tender melancholy of verlaine 她阅读的范围从最新的小说到《奥兰多弗里奥莎》 ,从约翰利利的文体绮丽的著作到魏尔伦的颓废的柔情。
Lyly ' s witty dialogue inspired him , and with vigour unknown to lyly he wrote love ' s labours lost , a fantasy of which the subject and the style appealed to the cultured section of the public 李利措辞巧妙的对话启发了他,他以李利所大的活力写出《爱的徒劳》 ,是一部主题和风格可以感染最有教养的观众的幻想作品。