Information technology - open systems interconnection - lotos description of the ccr protocol 信息技术.开放式系统互连. ccr协议的lotos描述
Information technology - open systems interconnection - lotos description of the ccr service 信息技术.开放式系统互连. ccr服务的lotos的描述
Timed bundle event structures , is used as the system model and a real - time lotos - like process algebra is used as the specification language 动作精化是在并发理论当中一种很重要的层次化设计和刻画方法。
11 katoen j - p , langerak r , latella d , brinksma e . on specifying real - time systems in a causality - based setting . lecture notes in computer science 1135 , 1996 , pp . 385 - 405 . 12 fecher h , majster - cederbaum m , wu j . refinement of actions in a real - time process algebra with a true concurrency model 在系统模型的结构表示上,本文扩充了传统的事件结构,使用一种带时间信息的捆绑式事件结构来模拟系统行为,在系统模型的语言刻画上,本文采用的是带时间的类lotos进程代数描述语言,对于动作精化,我们同样采用算子的观点,将动作精化定义为一个操作算子。