For the detailed facts of the australian system i am indebted to the rev. lorimer fison, an english missionary in australia . 关于澳大利亚制度的详细情节,我要感谢在澳洲的英国传教士洛里默斐孙牧师
Mr . lorimer sent me to rope in this young lady . he says she sings like a bird (罗瑞莫先生让我想方设法把这个年轻姑娘拉拢进来。他说她有一副美妙动听的歌喉。 )
For the detailed facts of the australian system i am indebted to the rev . lorimer fison , an english missionary in australia 关于澳大利亚制度的详细情节,我要感谢在澳洲的英国传教士洛里默?斐孙牧师