Enlightenment of loreal ' s multi - brand tactics to chinese enterprises 欧莱雅多品牌策略对我国的启示
Patent department has successfully handled invalidation cases for wan hui das clients , including seb group , loreal , etc . . and also provided comprehensive analysis on infringement cases for panasonic , gillette , grohe , etc . . moreover , patent department has been , cooperating with wan hui da ipr protection department and litigation department , effectively handled large numbers of custom ip protection cases , administrative ip protection cases , and civil litigation 专利部成功代理过法国欧莱雅公司seb公司tefal公司德国高仪用水科技股份两合有限公司等国内外客户的专利无效案件为欧莱雅比克seb吉列日本松下上海淘大食品有限公司等提供了发明实用新型外观设计专利的侵权分析在此基础上,专利部协同公司知识产权保护部法律诉讼部快速有效地代理了多起专利侵权的海关查处行政查处侵权诉讼的案件。