| 1. | The women who think we are clever , that are nice , somewhat clever and have lordliness have a lot of pursuers 认为我们聪明的那些有些聪明的富贵的好女有许多追求者。 |
| 2. | The women who think we are clever , that are nice , somewhat clever and have lordliness have a lot pursuers 又好又有些聪明出身高贵且觉得我们聪明的女人都有很多追求者 |
| 3. | The women who think we are clever , that are nice , somewhat clever and have lordliness have a lot of pursuers 又好又聪明又出身高贵又觉得我们聪明的女人都有很多追求者。 |
| 4. | The women who are not so beautiful but are nice women born in noble think we areonly after their lordliness 不是很漂亮但是很好又出身高贵的女人会认为我们看上的是他们的权势。 |
| 5. | The women who think we are clever , that are nice , somewhat clever and have lordliness have a lot of pursuers 又把势又聪明又出身高贵又觉得我们很聪明的女人都有一个连的追求者。 |
| 6. | Br > the women who are not so beautiful but are nice women born in noble think we are only after their lordliness 不是很漂亮但是很好又出身高贵的女人会认为我们看上的是他们的权势。 |
| 7. | The women who are somewhat beautiful , somewhat nice and have some lordliness and thank god are clever are always maintain many candidates ! ! ! ! 又好又漂亮又出身高贵而且又聪明的女人总是脚踩几条船。 |
| 8. | The women who are somewhat beautiful , somewhat nice and have some lordliness and thank god are clever are always maintain many candidates ! ! 有些漂亮有些好出身又有点高贵感谢上帝还很聪明的女人总是脚踩几条船 |
| 9. | The women who are somewhat beautiful , somewhat nice and have some lordliness and thank god are clever are always maintain many candidates ! ! ! ! 有些美、有些好、有些富贵、感谢上帝还有些聪明的女人总有许多候选郎君! ! ! ! |