| 1. | The men are a loathsome form of life . 这些人属于人类生命中令人齿冷的那一类型。 |
| 2. | The fish began to look loathsome . 那鱼开始显得面目可憎。 |
| 3. | I should think it an extremely loathsome profession . 我看那是个极其讨厌的职业。 |
| 4. | The witch hid her loathsome face with her hands . 巫婆用手掩住她那张令人恶心的脸。 |
| 5. | "what a loathsome existence! " “多无聊的生活!” |
| 6. | Why, thou art as foul as the toad, and as loathsome as the adder . 看啊,你跟蟾蜍一样地难看,跟毒蛇一样地可恶。 |
| 7. | They were examples of humility and kindness shining amidst a vile and loathsome mass of hypocrisy, arrogance, and cant . 她们谦逊善良的范例,在一群虚伪、傲慢、邪恶、可憎的人当中发出光芒。 |
| 8. | And the duties of his job which had been treated between them until now as a tacit joke, had become demanding and loathsome . 他的本职工作本来彼此心照不宣,从来就不当一回事,可是现在也变得繁重可厌了。 |
| 9. | I have just escaped, by my great daring and cleverness, from a loathsome dungeon into which my enemies had flung me . 我凭着自己过人的智慧和胆识,刚刚从暗无天日的地牢里逃出来,我坐牢是由于我的敌人加害于我。 |
| 10. | You ! you foul , loathsome , evil little cockroach 你!你这肮脏、讨厌、邪恶的小蟑螂! |