| 1. | The long livid face relaxed . 那张铁青的长脸上神色缓和了。 |
| 2. | The jailor brought up another livid prisoner . 那个狱卒又带来了一个面无人色的犯人。 |
| 3. | That man is always livid . 那个人总是脸色发青。 |
| 4. | The sun went down almost blood-red that night and a livid cloud received its rays in the east . 那天晚上的落日,几乎是血红的,夕阳的余晖斜照着东方的铅灰色的云层。 |
| 5. | Cried morcerf , turning livid with rage 马尔塞夫脸色顿时灰白,喊道。 |
| 6. | The chalky - white faces , the livid spots , 看你们苍白的脸,深色的斑点 |
| 7. | Fish s face , bloodless and livid 鱼一般的脸,铁青而毫无血色。 |
| 8. | Announcer joe buck was especially livid , calling moss ' s pantsomime “ disgusting 播报员巴克对此举特别愤怒,称这动作恶心。 |
| 9. | And , uh , pretty livid 挺生气的 |
| 10. | And , uh , pretty livid 挺生气的 |