Experiment materials : jar , windpipe , limewater , flume and the experiment record chart for each group 学生用材料:广口瓶、导气管、石灰水、火柴、集气瓶、水槽和小组实验记录表。
The one which has made the living match burn again is oxygen . carbon dioxide can ' t make the match burn , but it can make the limewater turbid (使火柴余烬复燃的氧气,这是利用了氧气支持燃烧的特性。二氧化碳不支持燃烧并可使澄清的石灰水变浑浊。 )
A lot of chemical article , like lysol , fluid of limewater , carbonic acid , hydrogen peroxide solution , iodine , alcohol , 84 disinfection is waited a moment , all can kill n / med tuberculosis bacili , what need time to differ nevertheless , some needs a few minutes , some needs a few hours 许多化学物品,如来苏儿、石灰水、碳酸、双氧水、碘酒、酒精、 84消毒液等等,均能将结核杆菌杀死,不过所需时间不同,有的需要几分钟,有的需要几小时。