| 1. | Biomass and nutrient allocation of lilium pumilum 细叶百合的生物量和营养分配 |
| 2. | Rapid propagation and tissue culture of lilium 百合的组织培养及快繁技术 |
| 3. | Study on fresh - preservation of the lilium 百合涂膜保鲜的试验研究 |
| 4. | Polypoidy induction and rapid proliferation in tiber of lilium oriental 多倍体诱导及其快繁研究 |
| 5. | Physicochemical and functional properties of lily lilium brownii flour 粉的物化性质及功能特性的研究 |
| 6. | Present situation and countermeasure of lilium brownii in nanping city 南平市百合花生产现状与发展对策 |
| 7. | Tissue culture technology with the squamae of lilium for fresh flower production 切花百合鳞片组织培养技术 |
| 8. | Study on 2n female gamete induction and triploid diversity of lilium oriental 雌配子诱导及三倍体多样性研究 |
| 9. | The bulblet morphogenesis of lilium formolongi in scale propagation 新铁炮百合鳞片扦插繁殖的小鳞茎形态发生 |
| 10. | Study on polyploid induction of 2n gametes hybrid proyeny of lilium oriental 配子杂交后代多倍体诱导研究初报 |